Department of Industrial Psychology

The Department of Industrial Psychology produces HR professionals who manage staff and personnel training in companies, organizational development (OD) professionals who manage organizational performance and culture, survey professionals who survey job satisfaction and employee attitudes, cognitive engineering specialists who evaluate the design and usability of various products (smartphones, 3D TVs), HCI specialists who study the interfaces between people (users) and computers (machine), marketing professionals who study psychological factors that influence consumer buying behavior and psychological experts who study and counsel psychological problems that the members of companies and schools deal with.

Location : Rm.225, Hanul Hall

Tel : 82-2-940-5420

Fax : 82-2-941-9214

Website :

Educational Objectives

The Department of Industrial Psychology produces industrial and organizational psychology professionals that are equipped with psychological knowledge and skills demanded in our global and informatized 21st century.

Majors and Studies

- Recruitment and placement of workers
- Design and development of industrial training programs
- Design and development of programs for increasing employee motivation
- Design and development of methods for evaluating job performance
- Design and development of methods for improving organizational productivity
- Design of marketing and advertising methods and analysis of consumer needs
- Computer analysis of statistical data
- Design and development of human-machine interaction
- Counseling theories and techniques