
KWU International Volunteer Association Heads to Nepal for Volunteer Activities

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  • 2024-07-12
  • 288
Kwangwoon University International Volunteer Association Departs for Volunteer Activities in Nepal!

- 2024 Summer International Volunteer Association inauguration ceremony held on July 10th -

- Activities include education, volunteer work, cultural exchange, and local cultural experiences in the Pokhara region of Nepal -


On July 10, Kwangwoon University held the '2024 Summer International Volunteer Association Inauguration Ceremony' in the main conference hall of Hwado Bld., encouraging the members selected through the first document screening and the second interview screening. The event was attended by President Jangho Chun, Student Affairs Dean Se-gyu Park, Student Welfare Team Leader Young-moo Kim, and the International Volunteer Association members.


Composed of 20 current and on-leave students, the Kwangwoon University International Volunteer Association will depart for the Pokhara region of Nepal from July 12 to 20. During their 7-night, 9-day stay, they will engage in educational volunteer work, including teaching Korean and physical education, as well as volunteer work, cultural exchange activities, and experiencing local culture.


Meanwhile, the Kwangwoon University International Volunteer Association, founded in 2010, has been striving to enhance the prestige of Kwangwoon University and South Korea by fostering volunteers with international awareness and critical thinking skills, as well as nurturing the next generation of global leaders. Except for the period when overseas dispatch was impossible due to COVID-19, the Association has been conducting volunteer activities twice a year, during the summer and winter, in countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Nepal.


지난 7월 10일 광운대 화도관 대회의실에서 열린 2024학년도 하계 국제봉사단 발대식 참가자들이 기념촬영을 하고 있다.

Participants in the 2024 Summer International Volunteer Association Inauguration Ceremony held at Hwado Hall's main conference hall at Kwangwoon University on July 10 pose for a commemorative photo.


지난 7월 10일 광운대 화도관 대회의실에서 열린 2024학년도 하계 국제봉사단 발대식 후 국제봉사단원들이 출국에 앞서 결의를 다지고 있다.

After the inauguration ceremony held at Hwado Hall's main conference hall at Kwangwoon University on July 10, the International Volunteer Association members are resolving to embark on their departure.