
KWU Bimarang Donates to Blue Tree Foundation for 'Zero School Violence @ Kwangwoon' Project

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  • 2024-07-12
  • 282

Kwangwoon University's Student Ambassador Bimarang, donates all proceeds from festival activities to the Blue Tree Foundation

- The full amount from the 2024 Wolgye Festival proceeds donated, requested to be used for the 'Zero School Violence@Kwangwoon' project -


Kwangwoon University (President Jangho Chun) announced that its student ambassador Bimarang, donated all proceeds obtained from promotional activities during the festival period at the end of May to the Blue Tree Foundation.


The donation ceremony was held at the Blue Tree Foundation on July 5 at 10 a.m., attended by Kwangwoon University's JaeHyun Han, Director of External and International Affairs, Sungwoo Cho, PR Team Leader, Bimarang President Soo-young Cho, Vice President Ah-reum Yoo, and Planning Cooperation Team Leader Yu-na Jo. The Bimarang team handed over the full proceeds (692,000 won) obtained through student participation events during the '2024 Wolgye Festival' held from May 22-24 to the Blue Tree Foundation's Secretary General Sun-hee Choi, requesting the funds be used for the 'Zero School Violence@Kwangwoon' project.


Bimarang President Soo-young Cho explained, "We planned the festival events as a way to support the 'Zero School Violence@Kwangwoon' project by Kwangwoon University and the Blue Tree Foundation, which we sympathize with. The response was overwhelming, with over 1,000 students participating, allowing us to donate more than the initially expected amount of 500,000 won."

Last year, Kwangwoon University announced comprehensive measures to eradicate school violence and cyberbullying, expanding educational cooperation with the government, NGOs, and the local community. This year, celebrating its 90th anniversary, the university continues the 'Zero School Violence@Kwangwoon' project in collaboration with the Blue Tree Foundation.


The Blue Tree Foundation is South Korea's first NGO dedicated to the prevention and healing of school violence, established by Honorary Chairman Jong-gi Kim, who has received the National Order of Merit Dongbaek Medal, the Asan Award, the Inchon Award for Education, and the Ramon Magsaysay Award.


(사진 왼쪽부터 광운대 한재현 대외국제처장, 비마랑 조유나 기획협력팀장 및 조수영 회장, 푸른나무재단 최선희 사무총장, 비마랑 유아름 부회장, 광운대 조성우 홍보팀장) 지난 7월 5일 광운대 홍보대사 비마랑 단원들이 푸른나무재단 최선희 사무총장에게 기부금을 전달하고 있다.

(From left to right: Kwangwoon University’s JaeHyun Han, Director of External and International Affairs, Bimarang’s Planning Cooperation Team Leader Yu-na Jo and President Soo-young Cho, Blue Tree Foundation’s Secretary General Sun-hee Choi, Bimarang Vice President Ah-reum Yoo, and Kwangwoon University PR Team Leader Sungwoo Cho) The Bimarang members of Kwangwoon University are seen handing over the donation to Secretary General Sun-hee Choi of the Blue Tree Foundation on July 5.