
Prof. Han-ul Jeong Demonstrates Technology at MOTIE Minister's Key Site Visit Event

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  • 2024-07-03
  • 226

Kwangwoon University's Professor Han-ul Jeong (Semiconductor Systems Engineering) Demonstrates Technology at MOTIE Minister's Key Site Visit Event

- MOTIE Minister and Accompanying Journalists Visit AI Semiconductor Company -


On May 17, Kwangwoon University’s Professor Han-ul Jeong from the Department of Semiconductor Systems Engineering demonstrated a technology that converts low-resolution images to high-resolution in real-time using low-power artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductors. This demonstration was presented to Minister Ahn Deok-geun of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and around ten accompanying journalists at the System Semiconductor Support Center in the 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley, Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province.


Professor Han-ul Jeong founded Articron Co., Ltd. last year, a company specializing in embedded memory-based semiconductor design optimized for AI operations. The System Semiconductor Design Support Center, where Articron is located, was established in 2020 to support specialized semiconductor design companies.


After Professor Jeong's demonstration of the low-power AI semiconductor technology, Minister Ahn and the journalists had a series of questions. Minister Ahn inquired whether there were any issues when enlarging the converted high-resolution images, to which Professor Jeong explained that the AI prevents such issues through pre-repetitive learning.


Articron is set to soon introduce the AI semiconductor design (IP) and chip 'ART,' which boasts improved power and area efficiency compared to competitors, the semiconductor design automation program 'Dalus,' and an outsourcing design service 'Puzzle' using these technologies.


지난 5월 17일 ㈜아티크론 방문단을 대상으로 광운대 정한울 교수가 회사 소개 후 관련 기술을 설명하고 있다.

On May 17, Professor Han-ul Jeong of Kwangwoon University explains the related technology after introducing the company to the visiting group at Articron Co., Ltd.