
Cyber Communication Society Spring Academic Conference Held at KWU 80th Anniversary Hall

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  • 2024-07-03
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Cyber Communication Society Spring Academic Conference

Held at Kwangwoon University 80th Anniversary Hall

- Organized around the theme 'Reconnecting Communities: Bridging Knowledge Communities for Resonance in Digital Society' with 25 presentations and 14 sessions -


The Cyber Communication Society (President: Prof. Il-kwon Jeong, Kwangwoon University Department of Media Communication) held its spring regular academic conference on May 24 at the Kwangwoon University 80th Anniversary Hall.


The society announced that this conference was prepared as a forum to address conflicts and inequalities within digital culture, reassess existing theories and research models in light of major shifts in media technology and markets, and establish a new paradigm as an alternative.


The academic conference[focused on presentations (25 in total) by researchers and industry practitioners from various disciplines such as media communication, sociology, political science, law, economics, business, and education] was organized into 14 sessions. Amongst those, three main sessions were planned around the overarching theme 'Reconnecting Communities: Bridging Knowledge Communities for Resonance in Digital Society,' which drew significant interest from attendees.


In the first session, 'Lighthouses of the Community,' MBC producer Hyun-ji Kim, who produced 'Adult Kimjang,' and Professor Ho-young Yoon from Ewha Womans University had a discussion about their work. The second session focused on 'The Rationality of the Public Sphere in the Era of Video Platforms: Redefining the Boundaries and Reflections of Political News,' featuring discussions by Professors Young-bin Kim and Hye-kyung Han from Pukyong National University on the role of Korean mass media as a public sphere. The following session, 'Digital Age, Possibilities of Knowledge and Information Sharing: Focused on the German Case,' was led by Professor Jang-yeol Yoon from Pukyong National University, who reexamined the Korean media environment through examples of knowledge and information sharing by German media outlets. The third session opened with 'Reconnecting Communities: Bridging Knowledge Communities for Resonance in Digital Society' by Professor Sang-gil Lee from Yonsei University and discussed 'The Dual Polarization of Politics and Civil Society and the Prospects for a Political Community of the Republic' by Professor Jin-wook Shin from Chung-Ang University, and 'The Age of Loneliness, Interactive AI' by Professor Man-kwon Kim from Kyung Hee University, addressing the structure of political conflict in Korea and the social effects of interactive AI.


Professor Il-kwon Jeong, president of the society, mentioned, "New technologies often create new problems, and the rapid emergence and spread of artificial intelligence brings with it both anticipation for the future and fear," and expressed his hope that "this academic conference would serve as a venue for exploring alternatives within the community."


5월 24일 광운대 80주년 기념관에서 열린 봄철 정기학술대회 참석자들이 기념촬영을 하고 있다. 

Participants of the spring regular academic conference held on May 24 at the Kwangwoon University 80th Anniversary Hall.