
Taekyong Kwon and Cheonsu Park Secure Runner-Up Spot in 2024 Cisco Innovation Challenge

  • admin
  • 2024-05-14
  • 397

Taekyong Kwon (Software) and Cheonsu Park (Information Convergence) Students

Runners-up in the '2024 Cisco Innovation Challenge'

- Award of Encouragement won by the 'Mugung Yu Gyo Team', a startup at Kwangwoon University’s Startup Support Center -


The 'Love the Earth' team comprised of Kwangwoon University students Taekyong Kwon (3rd year, School of Software) and Cheonsu Park (3rd year, School of Information Convergence) won the runners-up award in the '2024 Cisco Innovation Challenge' for their transparent carbon emissions record management system using Cisco’s sensing technology.


The '2024 Cisco Innovation Challenge', which began last November, was divided into an Ideathon for submitting ideas for a sustainable future and a Hackathon for prototyping and implementing these ideas. After the Ideathon judging process in mid-February, 10 out of 13 awarded teams in the three categories participated in the Hackathon held on April 4th at Kwangwoon University Innovation Center, and final 6 teams were selected. The winners were announced and awarded on April 30th at Cisco Korea, on the 5th floor of Asem Tower in Samseong-dong, Seoul.


Meanwhile, the 'Mugung Yu Gyo Team', a company at Kwangwoon University’s Startup Support Center, won an encouragement award for their IoT bracelet for infant behavior patterns and cognitive development solutions.


권택용, 박천수 학생이 준우승을 차지했다.

Kwangwoon University students Cheonsu Park and Taekyong Kwon (from left in the photo) are taking a commemorative photo after winning the runners-up award at the 2024 Cisco Innovation Challenge.