
Convergence Talent Training Project: Consortium Agreement with Kwangwoon University

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  • 2024-04-24
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Kwangwoon University Signs Agreement for Convergence Talent Training Project Based on Humanities and Social Sciences


- Consortium of five Universities including Kwangwoon University, Kookmin University, Sunmoon University, Yeungnam University, and Honam University -


- Goals to develop and share cooperative interdisciplinary education programs, and share human and material resources to be selected for project -


Kwangwoon University announced that it has signed an agreement for ‘the Convergence Talent Training Project Based on Humanities and Social Sciences ' with Kookmin University, Sunmoon University, Yeungnam University, and Honam University at the Conference Room on the 2nd floor of Kwangwoon University's Hwado Building on April 12th, at 11:00 a.m.   


The universities participating in the agreement will form  a consortium to successfully promote ‘the Convergence Talent Training Project Based on Humanities and Social Sciences' and have agreed to cooperate in various aspects, including developing interdisciplinary education programs (developing interdisciplinary education programs for short-term and intensive study at different levels, expanding the options for courses unrelated to majors, and supporting career development) reforming academic systems for sharing and cooperation (flexible academic system for operating interdisciplinary education programs within and between departments, collaboration with experts from various fields such as businesses, research institutes, and academic societies to update curriculums for training convergence talents in humanities and social sciences) sharing human and material resources among universities (promoting faculty participation in curriculum development and operation, and jointly utilizing resources to achieve project goals).

Kwangwoon University took the responsibility of leading the consortium, and the participating universities are divided into the universities in the metropolitan area (Kwangwoon University, Kookmin University) and the universities in the non-metropolitan area (Sunmoon University, Yeungnam University, Honam University).


The participating universities in the consortium will submit applications by April 25th and receive project evaluations in May and June. The final results are scheduled to be announced in July and August.

Professor Hye-young Lee (Department of Public Administration) of Kwangwoon University, who serves as the head of the project team at the leading university, said, "The universities participating in the consortium will collaborate closely to achieve the best results," and explained, "This project will serve as an important opportunity to enhance students' choice and flexibility of academic systems in line with the autonomous departmental program system that will be implemented next year."


사진 왼쪽부터 광운대 구자문 교무행정부총장, 호남대 송창수 사업단장, 영남대 정재학 사업단장, 광운대학교 이혜영 사업단장, 광운대학교 천장호 총장, 국민대학교 김병준 사업단장, 선문대 정도섭 사업단장, 광운대학교 정석재 기획처장

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and School Administration of Kwangwoon University ; Chang-soo Song, Project Director of Honam University; Jae-hak Jung, Project Director of Yeungnam University; Hye-young Lee, Project Director of Kwangwoon University; Jang-ho Cheon, President of Kwangwoon University, ; Byung-joon Kim, Project Director of Kookmin University; Do-seop Jung, Project Director of Sunmoon University; Seok-jae Jung, The Director of the Office of Planning at Kwangwoon University>