
Part-time Work Permission for D-2 VISA holders

  • admin
  • 2024-02-21
  • 566
Part-time Work Permission for International Students


1. Basic Policy: Only part-time work that is normally performed by students are allowed. 

2. Eligibility

a. GPA of C (2.0) or above in the previous semester

b. Undergraduate students must be regular semester students (students who are extending graduation or students who completed course work cannot apply), but graduate students who completed course work or who extend graduation can apply.

c. Language requirements

      ①TOPIK holders (Undergraduate 1st & 2nd year: Level 3 or higher /3rd year and graduate students:  Level 4 or higher)

      ②Social integration program KIIP (Undergraduate 1st &2nd year:  Level 3 or higher or pre-assessment score: 61 or higher /3 rear and graduate students: level 4 or higher or pre-assessment score: 81 or higher)

      ③Sejeong Institute (Undergraduate 1st & 2nd year: completion of intermediate level 1 or higher /3rd year and graduate students: completion of intermediate level 2 or higher)


3. Allowed Working Hours

a. Undergraduates: No more than 30 hours (during weekdays), Graduates: No more than 35 hours (during weekdays). However, if the Korean language proficiency standards are not met, undergraduate students are permitted to work 10 hours per week, including weekends, and graduate students are permitted to work 15 hours per week, including weekends)


b. Up to 1 year, limited to 2 locations.


4. Restriction for the type of works: If the business licenses is in the construction industry or manufacturing industry ((however, if you have completed TOPIK level 4 or higher or social integration program level 4 or higher, obtained a pre-assessment score of 81 or higher, or completed the intermediate 2 course at Sejong Institute, you can work in the manufacturing industry)


5. Penalties for Policy Violation

a. First-time offenders must pay a fine and are prohibited from working part-time for one year.

b Revocation of study status (deportation) for the second offense

In the case of the construction industry, violators are deported regardless of the number of violations.


6. Application Methods

a. Prepare application documents.

-Passport, Alien Registration Card, Application Form, Part-time Work Confirmation (Form), Transcript, Korean language proficiency certificate (TOPIK, KIIP, Sejong Institute certificate, documents proving English classes)

- Copy of business license

- Copy of labor contract (stating the hourly wage, work hours, and job duties)

b. Filling out the part-time work permit form by the applicant (yourself) → fill out the employer’s part (official seal or signature) → Confirmed by the staff of the Office of International Affairs (Hwado Building #103)

c. Apply in person at the immigration office or apply online at Hi-Korea website (


7. Note

a. D-2 VISA holders must get permission from the immigration office before starting a part-time job.

b. Change of workplace: Must be reported within 15 days after the change.

c. Exception: Assistants in their college in university (not necessary to get permission)


Attached: Part-time Work Confirmation Form (시간제취업 확인서), Standard Labor Contract Form (표준근로계약서), Application Form (통합신청서).  1 copy each