
Prof. Yoon-young Jang Receives Commendation from Minister of SMEs and Startups at K-INNO SHOW 2023

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  • 2023-11-30
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Professor Yoon-young Jang (Department of Environmental Engineering) Receives Commendation from Minister of SMEs and Startups at K-INNO SHOW 2023


광운대학교 장윤영 교수(환경공학과) 2023 중소기업 기술·경영 혁신대전 중소벤처기업부 장관 표창 수상


Professor Yoon-young Jang (Department of Environmental Engineering) was awarded the Ministerial Commendation  by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups for his contributions to technological innovation and industrial development at K-INNO SHOW 2023,  organized by the Small and Medium Business Technology Information Promotion Agency. The professor was selected as a contributor to technological cooperation (industry-university cooperation) on October 18.


The event was held at BEXCO (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) under the theme of  'Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises Changing the World,' to exhibit and promote excellent achievements of key projects for innovation-driven growth and to encourage contributors to the growth of innovation in various fields such as technology innovation and management innovation.


Professor Yoon-young Jang has achieved outstanding research results through industry-university cooperative research and development, contributing to industrial development by  technology transfer and development. In particular, the award was given in recognition of his outstanding research achievements (38 SCI international papers, 10 patent registrations, etc. over the past 5 years) through industry-university cooperative research and development.


Meanwhile, the industry-university cooperative technology development projects which are conducted by the Small and Medium Business Industry-university Cooperation Center at Kwangwoon University through the support of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, have successfully carried out more than 350 projects since 1999.