
Innovative Skin Patch for Simultaneous Monitoring of Blood Glucose and ECG

  • admin
  • 2023-10-31
  • 928
Research team of Professor Jaeyoung Park

(Department of Electronic Engineering) Develops Integrated Multi-Mode Skin Patch

- Developing Sensor Technology for Simultaneous Measurement and Real-time Monitoring for Blood Glucose and Electrocardiograms -

- Developing Sweat Collection Microfluidic Channel and Integrated Flexible Hybrid Patch Sensors and Modules -

- Expecting to be Utilized   for Remote Management and Treatment of Chronic Diseases and Metabolic Syndrome- 


The research team of Professor Jaeyoung Park (Department of Electronic Engineering) has successfully developed an "integrated electrochemical-physical hybrid skin patch sensor" integrated with a sweat-capturing microfluidic channel for wearable smart medical and healthcare system applications. In order to overcome the pain from frequent blood sampling and inconvenience of  the attachment of multiple sensors to the human body, the research team has created a multi-mode skin patch that can simultaneously measure and monitor body temperature, biochemical signals (blood glucose, pH), and physiological signals (electrocardiograms) in real-time. 


<박재영 교수(좌)와 아부 박사(우)>

<Professor Jae-young Park (left) and PhD, Abu (right)>


Meanwhile, the research was funded by the government (Ministry of Science and ICT) through Bio-Medical Technology Program of the Korea Research Foundation (2017M3A9F1031270) and the Industrial Technology Innovation Program of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy(RS-2022-00154983, development of a self-powered sensor platform for power sensors and actuators). The research results were published in ACS Sensors (IF: 9.618, JCR: 4.1%), a prestigious international academic journal in the field of chemical sensors and analysis. ( 


웨어러블 스마트 의료 및 헬스케어 응용을 위한 미세유체 채널 일체형 하이브리드 피부 패치센서 구조 및 개념도

[Image of the structure and conceptual diagram of microfluidic channel integrated hybrid skin patch sensor for wearable smart medical and healthcare applications]