
Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru and Ziptoss Suyu Headquarters Signs a MOU

  • admin
  • 2023-10-17
  • 954

Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru and Ziptoss Suyu Headquarters Signs a MOU

- Joining hands for the housing welfare of young people in Gangbuk -


(왼쪽부터) 권혜진 센터장, 양진향 대표

(From left to right) Center Director Kwon Hye-jin, CEO Yang Jin-hyang


Gangbuk Youth Entrepreneurship Maru, a commissioned and operated organization of Kwangwoon University’s Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (Director Jeong Young-wook), signed a business agreement with Ziptoss Suyu Headquarters at Gangbuk Youth Entrepreneurship Maru 'Molttuhasige' (Community Room) to improve the housing welfare of young people in Gangbuk-gu on September 20.


Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru, which started projects for home repair support for singles living alone in 2023, support for isolated and reclusive youth (linking to a free food support agreement for traditional markets and operating of a program to discover reclusive experts, and operating a family care youth community), plans to work together to discover and support young people to resolve housing-related difficulties in the future through this agreement. 


As part of this year's collaborative project, Ziptoss Suyu Headquarters will take over some of the youth housing education programs conducted by Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru, and in the future, they will send notification messages for 'Jipgochigalang (Housing Improvement Project for Single Youth Households)' to young tenants using Ziptoss Suyu Headquarters to increase the accessibility for local youth in need.


Ziptoss Suyu Headquarters (CEO Yang Jin-hyang) is the offline branch of Ziptoss (CEO Lee Jae-yoon), a prop tech (real estate technology) startup that started in 2015. CEO Lee Jae-yoon, a young entrepreneur, started the business after experiencing the difficulties that young people face in finding a place to live. In 2016, he launched its direct rental platform, ‘Ziptoss' and currently operates nine offline branches.


Director Jeong Young-wook said, "Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru and Ziptoss have joined hands for the housing welfare of young people in Gangbuk. We will look far ahead to solve the youth housing issue and foster related industries with innovative attempts that incorporate the latest technology."