
Phase 4 BK21 Future Talent Development Education and Research Team Achievements

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  • 2023-10-17
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Phase 4 BK21 Future Talent Development Education and Research Team (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering)

-Successfully completed Phase 1 of performance evaluation and entered Phase 2-

- Trains an average of 20 master's and doctoral-level core personnel with practical and specialized research skills per year -

- Published a total of 57 international-level research papers, 2 or more 'cover papers' and more than 8 papers in JCR's top 10% academic journals -


광운대 전자융합공학과 4단계 BK21 미래인재양성 교육연구팀 1단계 성과평가 최종 통과 및 2단계 진입

Phase 4 BK21 Future Talent Development Education and Research Team (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering), led by Professor Lee Jong-Cheol has successfully passed the performance evaluation of Phase 1 of the 4th year of the project (2020-2022) and entered Phase 2.


Through Phase 1 of the project, 6 participating professors trained an average of 20 core personnel at the master's and doctoral levels each semester, achieving more than 57 international-level research paper publications and submitting/obtaining more than 43 patents. They also presented 2 or more 'cover papers' and published more than 8 papers in the top 10% academic journals based on JCR criteria. They received a total of 26 excellent paper awards at domestic and international academic conferences. To foster personnel with practical and research abilities, several graduate-level courses, which include practical training and project work, were established, and graduated 14 core personnel with master's and doctoral degrees with practical and specialized research capabilities, achieving a 100% enrollment and employment rate. In addition, they achieved outstanding results such as presenting research papers at numerous international/domestic academic conferences, organizing international workshops, providing overseas training support, signing MOUs with overseas universities, conducting international collaborative research, securing technology fees, and receiving various media coverage.


(광운대 전자융합공학과 4단계 BK21 미래인재양성사업 교육연구팀 구성 및 전문 분야)

[Formation and specialization of Education and Research Team for the Phase 4 BK21 Future Talent Development (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering)]


 [This program will fulfill the mission of securing future growth engines by developing convergence technology for ultra-connected human experience and wellness, cultivating human resources, and securing and upgrading international-level research capabilities. By 2027, we are focusing on education and research to become an excellent education team not only in quantity but also in quality, including graduating more than 60 master's and doctoral students, 100% employment and advancement, publication of articles in prestigious international journals, and long-term overseas training and joint research.]


Professor Lee Jong-Cheol, from the Phase 4 BK21 Future Talent Development Education and Research Team in the Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering at Kwangwoon University, said, “We look forward to  the growth of education and research in the field of convergence of ultra-connected human experience wellness platform convergence and the cultivation of excellent master's and doctoral-level core personnel through the progress of the Phase 4 BK21 Future Talent Development Project.I will work hard with my fellow team members on education and research to contribute to the convergence of ultra-connected human experience wellness platform.”


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