
Kwangwoon University Alumni Association Scholarship Award Ceremony

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  • 2023-10-13
  • 912
Kwangwoon University Alumni Association Scholarship Award Ceremony 


(왼쪽부터) 천성오 재직동문회장, 조수열 총무, 김소현 학생, 이성준 학생, 김찬수 학생, 이수욱 교수, 이지영 홍보팀장

(From left to right) Cheon Seong-oh, Alumni Association President, Jo Soo-yeol, Secretary General, Kim So-hyun, Student, Lee Sung-jun, Student, Kim Chan-soo, Student, Professor Lee Su-wook, Lee Ji-young, Public Relations Team Leader


The Kwangwoon University Alumni Association held a scholarship award ceremony for three regular students Kim Chan-soo (Civil Engineering), Lee Sung-jun (Chemistry), Kim So-hyun (International Studies) on September 14th.


Alumni Association President Cheon Seong-oh stated, "The Alumni Association in service is providing support to our talented juniors, so they can focus on their studies without financial difficulties. We hope that the beneficiaries of this scholarship will pass on the spirit of giving back to society to their juniors."


Lee Ji-young, Public Relations Team Leader, added, "When we heard that the Kwangwoon Alumni Association was holding a good event to give the scholarship, Kwangwoon University also decided to contribute. We hope that through this event, not only Kwangwoon alumni, but also other organizations, institutions, and faculty members will be more active in contributing to the development fund."


Kwangwoon University Alumni Association, consisting of 48 members, continues to accumulate a certain amount of money each month to provide scholarships annually. This year, they donated a total of 3 million won to current students."