
Kwangwoon University and Guri Urban Corporation Signs a Business Agreement

  • admin
  • 2023-09-26
  • 1073

Kwangwoon University and Guri Urban Corporation

Signs a Business Agreement for the Successful Progress of the

Guri Techno Valley Development Project


(왼쪽부터) 유동혁 사장(구리도시공사), 김종헌 총장(광운대), 김일목 총장(삼육대), 김성환 부총장(서울과기대), 승현우 총장(서울여대)

(From left to right) CEO Dong-hyuk Yoo (Guri Urban Corporation), President Jongheon Kim (Kwangwoon University), President II Mok Kim (Samyuk University), Vice President Sunghwan Kim (Seoul National University of Science and Technology), President Hyun-woo Seung (Seoul Women's University) 


Kwangwoon University, along with Samyuk University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology University, and Seoul Women's University, signed a business agreement for the successful progress of the Guri Techno Valley development project in collaboration with Guri Urban Corporation.


During the signing ceremony, President Jongheon Kim of Kwangwoon University, President II Mok Kim of Samyuk University, Vice President Sunghwan Kim of Seoul National University of Science and Technology University, and President Hyun-woo Seung of Seoul Women's University, along with CEO Yoo Dong-hyuk of Guri Urban Corporation and relevant officials, discussed an organic cooperation relationship to ensure the successful implementation of the project.

CEO Dong-hyuk Yoo said, 'We will make efforts to create a Techno Valley that can contribute to mutual development through collaboration between public institutions, universities, and businesses.' In response, President Jongheon Kim stated, 'Through collaboration with institutions, we will maximize the university's capabilities to create synergy across research, education, and various industries.'


Meanwhile, Guri Urban Corporation continues to pursue business agreements with industry associations and companies related to the fourth industrial revolution as part of its 8th-term election pledge project, the 'Guri Techno Valley.' Universities involved in the agreement, including Kwangwoon University, plan to establish follow-up infrastructure, such as technology research required for high-tech industries, revitalization of industries, information sharing to support businesses, and joint education program development to foster core talents for the Techno Valley.