
The Research Team of Prof. Ki-hoon Lee Receives Award at the Blockchain and FinTech BEST Challenge

  • admin
  • 2023-09-26
  • 1107

The Research Team of Professor Ki-hoon Lee

(Department of Computer Information Engineering) Receives the Grand Prize (Ministerial Award) at the Blockchain and FinTech BEST Challenge


이기훈 교수(컴퓨터정보공학과) 연구팀 블록체인·핀테크 BEST Challenge대회 대상(장관상) 수상 


The team “Second Advisor” (Min-sun Kim and Young-hu Cha, students of the Department of Computer Information Engineering, Professor Ki-hoon Lee, advisor) received the Grand Prize (Ministerial Award) for their outstanding work at the BEST Challenge, a blockchain and fintech competition, organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Internet & Security Agency. The team presented their project titled "Media-based Stock Price Prediction and Automatic Trading Service Using Alternative Data" in the "Alternative Data-based FinTech Ideathon" category.


The Second Advisor team stated, "We were able to achieve good results with our idea of creating a comprehensive attractiveness index that can identify current trends without directly analyzing videos or articles, by advancing the ChatGPT technology we used in Kwangwoon University's KW-VIP course last semester." They also mentioned, "The knowledge gained from the course and continuous trend research were very helpful."


Meanwhile, the competition aimed to discover innovative blockchain and FinTech technologies and services, offering a total of 28 awards, including 3 Ministry of Science and ICT Minister's Awards, and a prize pool of KRW 45.5 million. It is the largest competition of its kind since the start of the FinTech Hackathon in 2016. Ten companies (KB Kookmin Bank, the Korea FinTech Industry Association, Coocon, Crepass Solution, Antok, Thecheat, ArtTogether, Coinplug, Blocko, PARAMETA, etc.), participated as collaborating enterprises, providing on-site mentoring to help participants refine their ideas.