
President Jongheon Kim Joins 'NO EXIT' Campaign to Prevent Drugs

  • admin
  • 2023-09-21
  • 978

President Jongheon Kim Joins 'NO EXIT' Campaign to Prevent Drugs 


광운대학교 김종헌 총장 마약예방 ‘NO EXIT’ 캠페인 동참


President Jongheon Kim of Kwangwoon University has joined the 'NO EXIT' campaign to prevent drugs.


President Jongheon Kim, nominated by President Young-jae Jeon of Konkuk University, posted a photo on social media to raise awareness about drugs, titled 'NO EXIT - a maze with no way out,' and conveyed the message, 'I am participating in the relay prevention campaign to raise awareness of the seriousness of rapidly increasing drug crimes and to prevent related crimes in advance.'


President Kim nominated Myung-ae Kim, President of Dongduk Women's University, and Leader Um Hong-gil, a mountaineer, as the next relay participants.


Meanwhile, the 'NO EXIT' anti-drug campaign is a nationwide campaign launched by the National Police Agency and the Korea Association Against Drug Abuse to raise awareness of the seriousness of drug crimes and prevent drug use and addiction in advance.