
Electronic Engineering Research Team "BK21" Advances to Phase 2 with Impressive Achievements

  • admin
  • 2023-09-21
  • 1228

Department of Electronic Engineering 4th Stage BK21 Future Talent Training Education and Research Team

Passes Phase 1 Performance and Advances to Phase 2

- The Department of Electronics Engineering 4th Stage BK21 Future Talent Training Education and Research Team Exceeds the 1st stage Goal by Training an Average of 32 master’s and doctoral-level Core Personnel Per Year -

- The Department of Electronic Engineering 4th Stage BK21 Future Talent -

 - Training Education and Research Team Publishes a Total of 107 Papers in Internationally Renowned Academic Journals (SCI-level), Including Over 15 'Cover Papers,' and More Than 50 JCR Q1 Papers -





The 'Semiconductor Device/Next Generation Communication Convergence Education and Research Team' (Team Leader: Prof. Ji-Hoon Lee), a BK21 Future Talent Training Education and Research Team in the 4th phase of the BK21 project in the Department of Electronics Engineering at Kwangwoon University, has successfully completed the final evaluation of the 1st phase (2020-2022) of the 4th year of the project in the first half of this year, and has entered the 2nd phase of the project.


During the 1st phase of the project, 7 professors," have trained an average of 32 master's and doctoral-level core personnel each semester, and the team has published more than 107 SCI papers and applied for/registered more than 43 patents during this period. In particular, they have published over 15 cover papers and a total of 50 JCR Q1 papers have been published. They have also offered numerous graduate-level courses taught entirely in English, achieving a 100% of graduation and employment rate for students. Additionally, they have excelled in various areas, such as presenting papers at international and domestic conferences, receiving research grants, winning technical fees, and receiving media coverage.


As a result of their accomplishments, this team, first selected in 2020, has successfully passed the final evaluation of the 1st phase and entered the 2nd phase. They will continue to receive research funding from the Korea Research Foundation until 2027 to educate and train a total of 70 graduate master's and doctoral students in the fields of semiconductor devices and next-generation communication convergence.


 The achievements of the 1st phase (2020 - 2022) of the 4th stage BK21 Future Talent Development Team in the Department of Electronics Engineering include: A total of 107 papers in internationally renowned academic journals (SCI-level) A total of 50 papers in the top 10% of JCR papers Numerous cover papers in internationally renowned academic journals (SCI-level) 43 domestic patent applications Training an average of 32 master's and doctoral level core personnel Training 4 new professors 100% rate of 19 graduates entering graduate school or the workforce 100% English instruction  Establishment of numerous graduate-level courses Signing multiple new international cooperation MOUs Presenting numerous SCI-level international collaborative research Hosting international online seminars inviting foreign scholars Hosting online international academic conferences Having numerous editors for SCI-level international academic journals a total of 42 media coverage 186 times and more reports.



(광운대 전자공학과 4단계 BK21 미래인재양성사업 교육연구팀 구성 및 전문 분야)

(Composition and Specialization of the Education and Research Team of the 4th Stage BK21 Future Talent Development Project in the Department of Electronics Engineering)


[The 'Semiconductor Device/Next Generation Communication Convergence Education and Research Team' of the 4th Stage BK21 Future Talent Development Project, Department of Electronics, Kwangwoon University, focuses on fostering creative talents and secures international-level research competence for semiconductor optical and electronic devices based on nano-microstructures and promoting innovation in next-generation 6G applied technology. They aim to fulfill their mission to enhance the advanced development of nano-microstructure-based semiconductor devices and next-generation communication convergence industries, ultimately ensuring future growth. They are focusing on both education and research such as producing more than 70 master's and doctoral graduates by 2027, achieving a 100% employment rate, publishing excellent SCI papers, conducting long-term overseas training, and engaging in joint research.]


(광운대 전자공학과 4단계 BK21 미래인재양성사업 교육연구팀 국제협력)

(International cooperation of the Education and Research Team of the 4th stage BK21 Future Talent Development Project in the Department of Electronics Engineering at Kwangwoon University)


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