
Workshop for University Education Innovation" Held ahead of Kwangwoon University's 90th Anniversary

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  • 2023-09-21
  • 1124
Workshop for University Education Innovation" Held ahead of Kwangwoon University's 90th Anniversary


광운대학교 창학 90주년을 앞두고 ‘대학교육 혁신을 위한 워크샵’ 진행


Kwangwoon University held the "Workshop for University Education Innovation" at St. John's Hotel in Gangneung for two days from August 28th, with approximately 180 professors and staff members attending.


Under the themes of overcoming crises and creating new opportunities through innovation, Dr.Yeom Jae-ho, President of Taejae University, delivered a speech on the digital revolution and educational innovation, and Dr. Kim Woo-Seung, Former President of Hanyang University, delivered a speech on building a sustainable industry-academia collaboration education and research platform.


Prof. Koo Ja-moon, Chair Professor of Kwangwoon University, gave a key-note presentation on "Innovation Tasks of Kwangwoon University in Response to Changes in Higher Education Environment." He analyzed the current situation of universities and education and proposed tasks to leap forward using the 90th anniversary as a foundation.


President of the Board of Directors, Cho Seon-Young, said the significance of the workshop attended by all professors and key administrative departments, saying, "Through this workshop, which all faculty members and key administrative departments attended, we were able to see Kwangwoon's vision for an innovative future together.  As we approach the 90th anniversary of Kwangwoon amid internal and external crises, let us unite towards the common goal of becoming a top-tier university."


President Jongheon Kim said, “ In the internal and external situation of the university, where innovation is essential,  let us all work together and proactively respond to changes for sustainable growth by breaking walls among majors, among universities, and among regions, and by cooperating and sharing growth between humanities and engineering, and university and local community.


Through the workshop, which was held for the first time in six years ahead of its 90th anniversary next year, Kwangwoon University shared the university's vision for educational innovation with faculty and administrative departments, and it plans to establish a Task Force (TF) for university education’s innovation to create continuous and concrete development plans.