
Kwangwoon University Held the Graduate School Commencement Ceremony for the 2nd Half of 2022

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  • 2023-09-12
  • 1020

Kwangwoon University Held the Graduate School Commencement Ceremony for the 2nd Half of 2022


광운대학교, 2022학년도 후기 일반대학원 학위수여식 개최


Kwangwoon University held the Graduate School Commencement Ceremony for the 2nd Half of the 2022 academic year at 10:30 AM on Wednesday, March 23.


Starting with the opening ceremony, the commencement ceremony featured various events, including a national ceremony, academic reports, a speech by President Jongheon Kim, and a speech of encouragement from the president of the Graduate School Alumni Association.


President Jongheon Kim expressed his hopes for the graduating students, stating, "I hope that all of Kwangwoon graduates, who have been educated as creative and interdisciplinary talents required by future society, will play a central role in society based on their academic achievements and experiences." 


During this commencement ceremony for the 2nd half of 2022, 407 master’s and 46 doctoral degrees were awarded, bringing the total number of graduates from Kwangwoon University to 5,370 master's degree holders and 1,801 doctoral degree holders since the university's establishment.