
Recruitment of Participants for 『Korean Tutoring for International Students』

  • admin
  • 2023-09-12
  • 1185

Recruitment of Participants for Korean Tutoring for International Students 


1. Program Overview: To provide international students with assistance of Korean students to improve international students’ Korean language skills.


2. Eligibility: International students currently enrolled in undergraduate programs


3. How it works:

   1) Period: September 25th, 2023 (Mon) ~ December 22nd, 2023 (Fri)

   2) Tutors (Korean students) who will help international students to learn Korean will be selected and assigned by the International Education Center.

   3) What you learn: Review of Korean language courses that you are taking or other general contents related to learning Korean.

   4) You can decide with your tutor where and when to meet. You can also have online meetings using SNS/Webex/Zoom etc.


4. Tutee (International Student) Participant Compliance

   1) Make an effort to fulfill the 16 hours of tutoring within the designated tutoring period.

   2) Participants must follow the study time set with the tutor in charge of the study.


5. Application  

1) Online Registration URL

2) Registration Period: September 11th, 2023 (Mon) ~ September 21st, 2023 (Thu) 9:00 ~ 16:00

  3) Limit of participants: 32 (First-Come-First-Served) 4 (Waitlist)

  4) Selection Results: September 22nd, 2023 (Fri) 14:00 individual message and KWU website notice 


6. Inquiries: KWU International Education Center (02-940-5307, In charge: Lee Ji-yeon) 


Director of International Education Center at Kwangwoon University