
Leaping towards Fusion-Driven Excellence: Kwangwoon University 2023 Ad Designs

  • admin
  • 2023-08-18
  • 1212
Introduction of Kwangwoon University's 2023 Advertisement Designs

- Expressing Kwangwoon's Leap Towards Outstanding and Fusion-Driven Advanced Studies -

Three distinctive advertisement designs for the year 2023 have been finalized, each capturing Kwangwoon University's image as a benchmark for exceptional, fusion-driven, and advanced studies.


Amidst the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, our university is transforming into an educational and research hub for advanced studies in fields like AI-based semiconductors and robotics. To achieve this, we are breaking down barriers between disciplines, universities, and regions, seeking proactive adaptation and change through collaborative models between humanities and engineering, universities and local communities. We are preparing for a leap towards fusion-driven and outstanding advancements.


These designs, reflecting these ideals, are set to be used in Kwangwoon's advertising campaigns from the latter half of 2023 through the first half of 2024. They are anticipated to contribute to enhancing the university's image and recognition, utilized in various contexts such as the 2024 admissions for both regular and graduate programs, faculty recruitment, and university promotion.


* 2023 Kwangwoon University Advertisement Designs (3 variations)

시안1) 초격차로 도약하는 광운 : ICT분야를 이끌어온 본교에서 ‘초격자로 도약하라’는 메인 카피로 이제는 인공지능, AI시대 선도자로서 앞서갈 미래를, 본교의 상징 비마가 도약하는 이미지에 실어 표현했다. 

Design 1) Kwangwoon's Leap Towards Outstanding: Representing the image of our university's symbolic flying horse leaping towards the forefront of the AI era, encouraging individuals to "leap as pioneers" in the field led by ICT, artificial intelligence, and the AI era, which Kwangwoon has been guiding. 


시안2) 초융합의 시대 광운인의 미래 : 미래 전공간, 대학간, 지역간, 학문간 장벽을 허물고 융합하는 선도자의 이미지를 인간과 로봇의 만남이라는 주제로 표현하였다. 본교 소속 단과대학을 나열한 연결 이미지 또한 융합을 표현한 방식으로 광운의 학문적인 방향성을 나타내고 있다.

Design 2) Kwangwoon, Pioneer of Fusion Era: Depicting the image of a leader in convergence, breaking barriers between future disciplines, universities, regions, and academic fields, under the theme of the meeting of humans and robots. The interconnected images listing the university's affiliated colleges symbolize fusion and convey Kwangwoon's academic direction. 

시안3) 첨단학문의 기준, 광운 : 대학 설립 때부터 첨단학문을 연구하고 선도해온 본교의 정체성을 ‘광운이 첨단학문의 기준’이라는 슬로건으로 표현했다. 본교의 UI가 첨단기술과 접목하는 이미지를 통해 첨단학문은 곧 광운이라는 콘셉트를 볼 수 있다.

Design 3) Kwangwoon, Standard of Advanced Studies: Expressing the identity of our university, which has been researching and leading advanced studies since its establishment, through the slogan "Kwangwoon Sets the Standard for Advanced Studies." By integrating the university's UI with cutting-edge technology, the concept that advanced studies are synonymous with Kwangwoon is evident.