
Prof. Lee Taek's Research Team Receives Springer Best Oral Presentation Award at the BioChip Society

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  • 2023-08-11
  • 1173


Professor Lee Taek's Research Team (Department of Chemical Engineering) Receives Springer Best Oral Presentation Award at the BioChip Society Conference 


이택 교수 연구팀(화학공학과) 바이오칩학회 springer 최우수 구두 발표상 수상 

In May 2023, Yun Yejin, a student of Professor Lee Taek in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Kwangwoon University, was awarded the Springer Best Oral Presentation Award at the '2023 Korean BioChip Society Spring Conference.'


Yun Yejin presented a paper titled 'Fabrication of DNA-based rapid monitoring electrochemical biosensor for detection of harmful cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae,' which focuses on the fabrication of a highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor for the rapid detection of harmful cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. The study introduced AC electrothermal flow (ACEF) technology to enable rapid detection of target substances. Additionally, the use of iridium nanoparticles amplified the electrochemical signal, resulting in the development of a high-sensitivity sensor.


The Korean BioChip Society is a nonprofit organization established to promote research and development related to proteinomics, functional genomics, bio-MEMS, nanotechnology, biosensors, and bioinformatics through the use of chips combining biological materials such as proteins, DNA, cells, and tissues with inorganic materials like silicon. The society contributes to the advancement of research in these fields and plays a role in the development of biochip technology, which is a core technology for 21st-century advanced life convergence science, including bio-MEMS, biosensors, nano-convergence, and health care.


Professor Lee Taek's research team has consistently received honors from various conferences (2021 Korean Society for Biomaterials Fall Conference [2 awards], 2021 Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fall Conference, 2022 Korean Society for Biomaterials Spring Conference, 2022 Korean BioChip Society, and 2023 Korean Society for Biomaterials Spring Conference [3 awards]). The team's achievements are highly regarded, and their future research outcomes are anticipated. Since joining our university in 2017, Professor Lee Taek has actively conducted research in the fields of biosensors, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, drug development, drug delivery, and biomedical science, resulting in the publication of approximately 130 papers in well-known international SCI journals.