
Semiconductor Fair Job Academy by Career Development Team

  • admin
  • 2023-07-20
  • 1147

Career Development Team Held 'Semiconductor Fair Job Academy' for Employment in Semiconductor Companies 


경력개발팀, 반도체 기업 취업을 위한 ‘반도체 공정 직무 아카데미’ 진행


Kwangwoon University Career Development Team operated the "Semiconductor Fair Job Academy Basic Course (6/26-6/29) and Advanced Course (7/3-7/6)" to enhance the employability of current students and graduates who aspire to work in semiconductor companies. Together with outstanding graduates, they conducted a "FAB Tour (7/13)" at Samsung Semiconductor Korea Co., Ltd.


The "Semiconductor Fair Job Academy" attracted significant interest from students, recruiting all 100 participants in just one day. The lectures, conducted by instructors with practical experience from current and former semiconductor professionals, received high satisfaction ratings.


Particularly, the "FAB Tour" organized by Samsung Semiconductor Korea Co., Ltd. in collaboration with the Kwangwoon Career Development Team was an event arranged for students to directly experience the practical field, generating a great deal of interest among the students.