
Strategic Partnership Established between Kwangwoon University & Korea Defense Industry Association

  • admin
  • 2023-06-27
  • 1390

Strategic Partnership Established between Kwangwoon University and Korea Defense Industry Association

-  Joining Forces for the Cultivation of Advanced Weapon System Technology Experts and Enhancement of Defense Industry Competitiveness -


광운대학교와 한국방위산업진흥회 간 전략적 파트너십 체결


Kwangwoon University and the Korea Defense Industry Association (KDIA), with Vice Chairman Choi Byung-ro) have joined forces on June 26th to enhance the competitiveness of defense industry companies through the cultivation of advanced weapon system technology experts. They have signed a memorandum of understanding for strategic partnership at Kwangwoon University. 


Prior to this agreement, the Kwangwoon University established a Department of Defense AI Robot Convergence Studies, which offers master's and doctoral programs in defense AI and robot technology, targeting employees of defense industry companies, as part of the contract department project organized by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration.


The purpose of this agreement is for KDIA to actively cooperate in promoting and supporting the recruitment of outstanding employees from defense industry companies for the Department of Defense AI Robot Convergence Studies at Kwangwoon University. The university, in collaboration with KDIA, will pursue various cooperation measures such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance the competitiveness of the defense industry.


Kwangwoon University, through the Department of Defense Acquisition Studies established in 2007, has already been producing master's and doctoral graduates in the field of defense engineering and defense management. With the newly established Department of Defense AI Robot Convergence Studies, the university aims to systematically educate employees of defense industry companies on AI and robot-related technologies for practical application, thus significantly contributing to enhancing the advanced technological competitiveness of the defense industry.


Meanwhile, through this agreement, Korea Defense Industry Association has created an opportunity to systematically support defense industry cultivation in collaboration with universities, enabling the implementation of various educational and academic programs.