
Intl. Trade & Business Dept. Team Wins National Uni Student Paper Contest

  • admin
  • 2023-06-13
  • 1237

International Trade and Business Department Team, Awarded in Nationwide University Student Paper Competition 


국제통상학부팀, 전국 대학생 논문 경진대회 입상


The Department of International Trade and Business at our university, sponsored by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Policy, hosted a nationwide university student paper competition. A total of 24 university teams participated, and they received the Grand Prize and Excellence Awards.


In this competition, the team consisting of Kim Ik-su, Kim Yu-jin, Park Da-bin, Son Seul-gi, Lee Ye-won, and Cho Eun-seo presented an empirical paper titled "Are Obstacles in Team-based Classes Overcomeable?" utilizing Structural Equation Modeling. They were awarded the Grand Prize. Their research yielded significant results, indicating that the negative impact of conflict factors in team projects on class satisfaction can be moderated through interactive learning activities between professors and students.


Furthermore, the team composed of Lee Da-bin, Kim Yu-il, Lee Seung-min, Oh Dong-jae, and Kim Min-ji received the Excellence Award for their paper on "Seeking the Next China for Korean Cosmetics" in response to the recent deterioration in public relations.


Professor Jung Jae-hwi, the department head, who supervised the students, expressed his intention to apply and utilize the specialized knowledge from major courses in external activities such as competitions to further enhance students' problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking.