
Industry-Academia Cooperation Division Holds Donation Ceremony with CAPSTEC Co., Ltd. & EUM Network

  • admin
  • 2023-05-24
  • 1341
Industry-Academia Cooperation Division Holds Donation Ceremony with CAPSTEC Co., Ltd. and EUM Network Co., Ltd. 


On the 16th, the Industry-Academia Cooperation Division (Director Jung Young-wook) of our university held a donation ceremony with CAPSTEC Co., Ltd. (CEO Cheon Se-hoon) and EUM Network Co., Ltd. (CEO Kim Eun-hee). This donation ceremony was conducted as part of the support for the industry-academia collaboration test bed for CAPSTEC's access control solution 'CAPS ROVIGUARD' and EUM Network's access control service 'Tingdong-i,' and it was installed at Kwangwoon Startup Support Center operated by Kwangwoon University Industry-Academia Cooperation Division, designated by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.


Meanwhile, Kim Eun-hee, the CEO of EUM Network, which is also a resident company of Seoul Startup Dimmer operated by Kwangwoon University Industry-Academia Cooperation Division, expressed gratitude, saying, "I am grateful for being able to conduct the test bed and even hold a donation ceremony, seeing the potential. I want to create more achievements in industry-academia collaboration."


Lee Kyung-hak, the center manager overseeing the operation of Kwangwoon Startup Support Center, stated, "I believe that this donation from CAPSTEC and EUM Network will provide excellent security and convenience to the resident companies of the startup incubation center," and said, "I am grateful for the interest in startup incubation space and companies. We will make efforts to support the test bed."


Jung Young-wook, the director of Kwangwoon University Industry-Academia Cooperation Division, particularly mentioned Cheon Se-hoon, CEO and alumnus of Kwangwoon University's Department of Electronic Engineering (Class of '89), and Kim Eun-hee, CEO and alumna of the Department of Business Administration (Class of '04), saying, "This industry-academia cooperation donation ceremony will serve as a lighthouse that illuminates the path for graduates who are pioneering their own paths and students who will pave their own paths in the future," and stated, "In the Industry-Academia Cooperation Division of Kwangwoon University, we will do our best for even more industry-academia exchanges."


광운대 산학협력단, (주)캡스텍&(주)이음네트워크와 산학협력 기증식 개최


(From left) Lee Kyung-hak, Director of Kwangwoon Startup Support Center at Kwangwoon University, Jung Young-wook, Director of Industry-Academia Cooperation Division at Kwangwoon University, Cheon Se-hoon, CEO of CAPSTEC Co., Ltd., Kim Eun-hee, CEO of EUM Network Co., Ltd.