
Successful Completion of 2023 Pre-Education for Program Finalists

  • admin
  • 2023-05-22
  • 1416

Successful Completion of the Pre-Education for Finalists of the 2023 Small and Medium Business Administration's Preparatory Entrepreneurship Package Program, Organized by Kwangwoon University and the Startup Promotion Center


창업진흥원 주관 2023년 중소벤처기업부 예비창업패키지 사업 최종선정자 사전교육 성료


On the 10th, Kwangwoon University successfully conducted the "Pre-Education for Finalists of the 2023 Small and Medium Business Administration's Preparatory Entrepreneurship Package Program," organized by the Startup Promotion Center.


The education took place at Kwangwoon University's Donghae Cultural and Arts Center, which was selected as the host institution for the 2023 Small and Medium Business Administration's Preparatory Entrepreneurship Package Program. The event was attended by over 400 participants, including representatives and team members selected for this year's preparatory entrepreneurship package program. The education covered topics such as guidelines and important considerations for the utilization of program funds, an overview of key programs (including mentoring), special lectures by senior entrepreneurs, and knowledge of startup laws.


Notably, prior to the education, an integrity pledge ceremony was held, attended by officials from the Startup Promotion Center, representatives selected for the preparatory entrepreneurship package program, and Park Cheol-hwan, the director of Kwangwoon University's Business Division.


Furthermore, the Startup Promotion Center plans to provide guidance for the representatives who did not participate in this education to complete it online at a later time.