
Chemical Engineering Research Team Wins Best Paper Award for Marine Biomass Strategy

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  • 2023-05-15
  • 1407
Park Chul-hwan's Research Team (Department of Chemical Engineering) Wins the Best Paper Award

-Awarded the Best Paper Presentation at the 2023 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Spring Conference and International Symposium -

-Presented a Strategy for Exploring and Utilizing Domestic Marine Biomass-


Graduate student Hye-Seon Lee (advisor: Prof. Cheol-Hwan Park, Department of Chemical Engineering) received the Excellent Paper Presentation Award at the "2023 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Spring Conference and International Symposium" held from the 12th to the 14th of last month.


(전체사진 왼쪽 부터) 화학공학과 이혜선(수상자), 신현미, 박철환(지도교수), 양은정, 배지현

(From left) Lee Hye-seon (recipient) from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Shin Hyun-mi, Park Cheol-hwan (advisor), Yang Eun-jeong, and Bae Ji-hyun. 


The theme of this academic conference was "Towards Healthy and Sustainable Bioeconomy," and Hye-Seon Lee was selected for her excellent research results in the poster presentation category, which corresponds to the top 3%, with her topic "Determination of major carbohydrates of four different brown macroalgae" in the field of Microbial and Bioprocess Engineering. She presented a strategy for an ocean bio-mass-based bio-refinery, considering its actual industrial applicability through the analysis of the carbohydrate composition of seaweeds, and received recognition for her excellence, winning the award.


Hye-Seon Lee said, "It was a great opportunity to gain a lot of knowledge about ocean bio-mass-based bio-refinery, and I felt rewarded to be able to introduce it to many people." She added, "I want to continue researching on the production of high value-added substances using bio-mass and pursue a career related to this field."


Advisor Prof. Cheol-Hwan Park said, "I enjoy discovering items that can create high value-added products with my students and developing ways to utilize them." He also encouraged Hye-Seon Lee to grow as a talent who can contribute to the development of sustainable biological processes based on various research experiences.


Meanwhile, the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, which hosted the conference, is a representative academic society in the field of biotechnology, with around 9,000 members, including experts and companies related to biotechnology.