
2023 School of Media & Communication Network Day

  • admin
  • 2023-05-15
  • 1453

Evolving College Homecoming Day, Senior and Junior Introductions in the Era of "Shorts"

- Kwangwoon University's Department of Media and Communication's 34th Anniversary Event Reflects "Short Form" Trend -

- 3-Minute Speeches, Public Talk Shows, and Balance Games Aligned with the Eyes of MZ Generation Undergraduates -

- Over 250 Graduates and Undergraduates in the Fields of Media, Journalism, Advertising, Portals, and Games -


미디어커뮤니케이션학부 창설 34주년 행사


The Department of Media and Communication at Kwangwoon University (Dean Kim Sang-yeon) held the "Media Network Day" event to commemorate the 34th anniversary of the department.


The event was held on May 4, 2023, at the 80th Anniversary Memorial Hall. Graduates and undergraduates who have worked in various fields of communication gathered to talk to each other. The event combined the TED-style 3-minute speech, theater-style talk show, and balance game between seniors and juniors to add excitement and tension. In line with the name of the department, the event reflected the latest new media trends of the era when "short form" is in vogue, and created a stage where as many graduates as possible could introduce their core experiences in a short amount of time in an impactful way.


In particular, the stage where graduates introduce their core experiences in a short amount of time in an impactful way, instead of the lecture-style senior introduction method of the existing "Homecoming Day," was composed with the support of seniors who considered the media consumption behavior of MZ generation undergraduates who are familiar with short form represented by TikTok, Shorts, and Reels. The talk show, game, and Q&A that followed were presented using the large language AI model (LLM) "ChatGPT" to ask the main questions, making it a meaningful time for seniors and juniors to explore the future of media in the age of artificial intelligence.


A second-year student in the Department of Media and Communication at Kwangwoon University, Kim Do-yeon, said, "I definitely felt a different and refreshing feeling from the existing Homecoming Day event. The experiences of the seniors who attended the event were more vividly conveyed, and I was able to reduce the uncertainty about the future.


Department head Kim Sang-yeon explained, "The format of this event was planned to show as many successful graduates as possible to the undergraduates." "Because of the fresh format, this event was attended by more than 200 graduates and undergraduates, setting a record for the largest number of participants since the establishment of the department."