
Seoul Startup Didimteo Holds the First Business Briefing of 2023

  • admin
  • 2023-05-15
  • 1503

 Seoul Startup Didimteo Holds the First Business Briefing of 2023

-  Sharing Exchange and Support Plans for Resident Companies -

seoul didimteo


The Seoul Startup Didimteo, operated by the Industry-Academia Cooperation Division of the university, held its first business briefing session on the 20th of last month to support successful startup businesses among its tenants.


This briefing session was held to introduce the tenant support program scheduled to be operated by Seoul Startup Didimteo this year and to activate networking among the tenant companies.


In addition to the tenant support program of Seoul Startup Didimteo, the session also shared information about the small and medium-sized enterprise R&D support project, the small patent sharing system, and family company support system of the Industry-Academia Cooperation Division of Kwangwoon University, and the youth challenge support project of Gangbuk Youth Startup Maru.


The briefing session is also scheduled to be held in June, August, and October, and according to demand from tenant companies, professional guest lectures will be held, and mentoring opportunities with experts in various fields such as accounting, marketing, and investment will be provided.


Seoul Startup Didimteo Center Director Jung Young-wook said, "Early-stage startup companies face difficulties in securing funds, technology commercialization, and market development," and added, "Our center supports startup companies to discover items with market potential and helps with expert mentoring for technology commercialization through useful startup support programs, ultimately leading to successful startup businesses among our tenants."


Director Jung also stated, "We plan to enhance networking among startup companies and provide opportunities for information sharing and collaboration through useful startup support information as well as strengthen cooperation with partners such as AC and VC to provide investment attraction and market development opportunities."


Meanwhile, Seoul Startup Didimteo, operated by the Industry-Academia Cooperation Division of Kwangwoon University, is a startup support institution under the Seoul Metropolitan Government in charge of a startup hub in the northeast region of Seoul. They provide not only the discovery and cultivation of early-stage startup companies but also a systematic education and accelerating program.


In addition to the briefing session, they also operate various programs to support successful startup businesses among their tenants, such as results presentation, marketing capabilities enhancement program, customized support programs for companies, product and service testing bed support, tenant company-specific mentoring, and consulting in specialized fields.