
Acquisition of Patent for REBT Clover Board Game

  • admin
  • 2023-04-28
  • 1988

Professor Park Kyung-ae From the Graduate School of Education Has Obtained a Patent for the REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) Clover Board Game 


Professor Park Kyung-ae from the Graduate School of Education has obtained a patent for the REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) Clover board game

Professor Park Kyung-ae from the Graduate School of Education at Kwangwoon University has received final patent approval from the Korean Intellectual Property Office in April for the patent application titled "Counseling game device using REBT counseling technique and principles.


Counseling and psychotherapy are activities that are primarily conducted through language, so they tend to be influenced by language proficiency. The newly developed tool is a counseling game device that can be used to apply REBT principles in a fun way, which can produce effective counseling outcomes for clients with limited language proficiency, children, adolescents, and adults in various institutions such as schools, correctional facilities, and social welfare facilities. In the field of counseling, patents are rare, and the possibility of obtaining a patent has been pursued through inventions that utilize concepts in the social sciences. 


Meanwhile, Professor Park Kyung-ae currently serves as the president of the Korean Association of REBT and Behavioral Therapy and is serving as an associate professor in Graduate School of Education, Counseling Psychology, Department of Education, General Graduate School Integrated Doctoral Program at Kwangwoon University.


Professor Park Kyung-ae from the Graduate School of Education has obtained a patent for the REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) Clover board game

More detailed information can be found by searching through the following website: