
Announcement on '2023 Promising Student Start-up Team 300' for International Students

  • admin
  • 2023-04-26
  • 1685


"To discover and nurture outstanding foreign student startup teams possessing startup ideas based on domestic and international markets, we will be holding the ‘2023 Promising Student Start-up Team 300 Competition Leap Track (International Students)'. We are looking for student start-up teams to participate. We encourage your interest and participation."


A. Recruitment Outline

1.   Title: 2023 Promising Student Start-up Team 300 Competition Leap Track (International Student) Promotion (


2.   Purpose: To discover and nurture outstanding foreign student startup teams possessing startup ideas based on domestic and international markets.


3.   Organizer/Sponsor: Ministry of Education / National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation


4.   Eligibility: Foreign student startup teams who wish to compete in the integrated department* competition.


Integrated Department Competition: Challenge! K-Startup 2023

Number of Selected Teams: 10


5.   Key Schedule: 





Team Recruitment

4.17 (Mon) - 5.3 (Wed)

- Recruitment of teams for the competition

Online Document evaluation

5.11 (Thu) - 5.14 (Sun)

- Selection of 20 Teams (2 times the size of the final selection) through online screening

Online Presentation evaluation

5.31 (Wed)

- Final selection of 10 teams through online presentation screening

Presentation competency building training

6.14.(Wed) ~ Challe ngeK the final round (‘King of Kings)

- IR capacity-building education (Storytelling, IR deck)

Promising Startup Team 300 networking

8.17 (Thu)

- Online mock investment competition and networking by region/field

Evaluation for teams advancing to the integrated finals

8.30 (Wed)

- Selection of 5 teams to participate in the Challenge! K-Startup 2023 Integrated Finals

Integrated Finals and Ongoing IR Capacity-building Education

September to late October




B. Request for Cooperation

1) Promotion of competitions and encouragement of participation for startup clubs or (prospective) startup teams led by foreign students.

2) Request for online posting of promotional materials.


C. Contact Information


(Online) Student Startup Promising Team 300 Kakao Channel (

(Telephone) Korea Youth Entrepreneurship Foundation Education Ecosystem Team (02-2156-2289, 2357) 


Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation