
Prof. Seong-gil Kim Publishes a New Book "Debates On Lifelong Erudition: Learning Routine"

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  • 2023-03-21
  • 3137

Professor Seong-gil Kim (Graduate School of Education) Publishes a New Book "Debates On Lifelong Erudition: Learning Routine" 

Professor Seong-gil Kim (Graduate School of Education) Publishes a New Book <Lifelong Learning Controversy: Learning Routine>


Prof. Seong-Gil Kim (Graduate School of Education) of Kwangwoon University published a new book titled "Debates On Lifelong Erudition: Learning Routine" to welcome the era of lifelong learning in earnest. 


This book is the result of unifying the results of contemplation centered on the topic of 'learning' on how humans will think, learn, share and live along with the demands of the times for lifelong education and lifelong learning in the post-COVID-19 eraIt is a book that opens up expectations and possibilities for future moves, considering that it plays the role of a shelter to rest for a while in a long life journey rather than reaching a conclusion at the final destination.


It presents that the life of human existence over a lifetime, from the nature of learning and human theory, epistemology and methodology based on human learning instincts, can be considered as a focus on the issues and controversies of lifelong education. 


The author, Professor Kim Seong-gil, majored in educational sociology and lifelong education, and is currently serving as the editor-in-chief of the Korean Society for Adult Education, the editor-in-chief of the Korea Society for Future Education, and the dean of the Graduate School of Education at Kwangwoon University. 


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