
KW Undergraduate Research Team Won the Grand Prize

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  • 2022-12-07
  • 2504

Undergraduate Research Team

Won the Grand Prize


전자융합공학과 학부연구팀, IDEC 설계공모전 금상 수상


Kwangwoon University undergraduate research team under the supervisory of Professor Shin Hyeon-chul (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering) won the Grand Prize at the Smart Electronic Circuit Design Challenge held at Chonnam National University in November.

The award-winning work was “Parking Line Invasion Prevention System” (Seungryeol Baek, Juhyeon Lim, Jinho Moon (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering)). The team, participated in the Smart Electronic Circuit Design Challenge Competition held by Chonnam National University IDEC, demonstrated their designed and produced electronic circuits.


High-Speed Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab (, Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering, under the guidance of Professor Shin Hyeon-cheol, is researching system semiconductor integrated circuits and antenna design in RF, millimeter wave, and analog fields for 5G mobile communication and millimeter wave wireless communication.