
Student Lee Ji-Woon Won the International Conference ICCE-ASIA 2022 Best Paper Award

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  • 2022-12-06
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Student Lee Ji-Woon 

Won the International Conference ICCE-ASIA 2022 Best Paper Award


박철수 교수 연구팀(컴퓨터정보공학부) 이지운 학생 국제학술대회 ICCE-Asia 2022 Best Paper Award 수상

Kwangwoon University student Lee Ji-Woon (2nd year student, Department of Computer Information Engineering) won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference ICCE-ASIA 2022 held in Yeosu Sonokam in October. Lee Ji-Woon is the member of Professor Park Chul-Soo’s (Department of Computer Engineering) research team.

The study attempted to restore time series medical data that is sometimes incomplete because of wireless communication or sensor devices using Denoising Diffness Probabilistic Model (DDPM). As a result of the restoration, up to 50% of the damaged signals were successfully recovered. The research was conducted through the Ministry of Science and ICT's 'National Program of Excellence in Software', and the ITRC (Information Technology Research Center) project of the Ministry of Science and ICT and Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute.


Lee Ji-Woon said, "I felt rewarded to be able to draw successful research results using the generative model that I was interested in for so long. I will work harder on the follow-up research," he said.


ICCE-Asia is an academic conference organized by the IEEE, the IEEE Comsumer Technology Society, and the IEEE, the American Electrical and Electronic Engineers Association. It is an international organization of electrical and electronic engineering experts, and in 2004 it is the largest technology organization on electrical and electronic engineering with 350,000 members from 150 countries, developing standards and research policies.