
Kwangwoon University Startup Club Ceremony's KWU Flea Market

  • admin
  • 2022-11-22
  • 2080

Kwangwoon University Startup Club Ceremony,

KWU Flea Market 


The Startup Club Ceremony composed of Kwangwoon University students creates Instagram and YouTube content to convey the value of 'challenge' to many people. They plan and produce various events and goods in collaboration with local governments and schools. 


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 Specifically, they are trying to create a product that contains the value of 'challenge'. They try to unify emotions that people in their 20s can relate to, for example, a sense of accomplishment and at the same time anxiety from some challenges, and make products that many people could empathize with. Up to now, Ceremony has been delivering the value of ‘challenge’ in various ways through collaboration with the Guri Commercial Area Revitalization Foundation, Kwangwoon Creative Center and flea market planning, and outsourcing projects such as character production.  


플리마켓 세리머니1

 At the Kwangwoon University Flea Market held in October, efforts were made to plan and operate the ceremony in various aspects (from overall planning to product design and production, SNS promotion, and video). As the place where the flea market is held is Kwangwoon University, it was prepared to bring out the challenge of college students who are interested in starting a business. 


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At the flea market, the ceremony took the theme of 'Challenge is a journey to each individual's dream'. That is why the main concept of the flea market was the airport, the place from which we all can travel anywhere, and the goods representing Kwangwoon University were aligned with the concept of the airport. The KWU goods were produced in collaboration with the production team ‘Maker Pang’. Video advertisements are also an essential element of the event, so the ceremony team conducted advertisements using the displays in the university through models of both domestic and foreign students in school.

The ceremony team said, “The story we want to tell is challenging by finding our values. I believe that finding what you like and want to do and challenging yourself is the way to be happy. The ceremony will play a leading role as a young brand that supports and motivates those who take on challenges. We plan to actively collaborate with local governments to deliver messages of support and happiness to people, and to motivate and encourage challenges with schools and brands.”


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