
Kwangwoon University Received the Grand Prize

  • admin
  • 2022-11-17
  • 2208

Kwangwoon University, Ministry of SMEs and Startups 2022 Innovation Startup School

Received the Grand Prize at the Hosting Institution's Performance Sharing Society


중소벤처기업부 2022년도 혁신창업스쿨 주관기관 성과공유회 최우수상


On the 4th, Kwangwoon University won the grand prize at the 2022 Innovation Startup School-hosted business performance sharing meeting hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Startup Promotion Agency.


In this performance sharing meeting, the project management organizations shared their know-how and project performance over the past year, and the winners were selected through mutual evaluation by the hosting organizations. Kwangwoon University was awarded the grand prize because it was highly evaluated for its ability to strengthen training for prospective founders through deduction of various best practices and advancement by education.


The Innovative Startup School is a business that operates practical start-up education for prospective entrepreneurs with innovative technology ideas.


Kwangwoon University is in charge of nurturing prospective entrepreneurs in the high-tech manufacturing field of this project. With a focus on specialized education such as technology trends, start-up cases, and MVP production for practical training, 420 prospective entrepreneurs were discovered and nurtured for one year through customized programs in the field of high-tech manufacturing.


Kim Jong-heon, President of Kwangwoon University, said, “Our university will create the entire campus as a start-up ecosystem, including the top 5 national universities in the field of student start-up support and achievements in the 2021 JoongAng Ilbo university evaluation, and 1st in the nation’s university start-up subsidies per university student, and all members inspire a sense of entrepreneurship challenge. We are concentrating our competencies to foster entrepreneurship.”