
2022 Northeast Startup Support Forum in Seoul

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  • 2022-11-17
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 2022 Northeast Startup Support Forum in Seoul 


서울창업디딤터, 2022 서울시 동북부 창업지원포럼

 Seoul Startup Didimteo (Center Director Park Chul-hwan) announced that the 2022 Northeast Seoul Startup Support Forum was successfully completed twice on October 8 (Fri) and October 28 (Fri). Seoul Startup Didimteo is operated by Kwangwoon University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and supported by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

This 2022 Seoul Northeast Startup Support Forum was co-hosted by Seoul Startup Didimteo and Kwangwoon University Campus Town Project Group to express our aspirations to achieve more things than we do now for everyone who dreams of a startup now or in the future. It was conducted under the theme of ‘Above and Beyond’

On October 8 (Fri), the 1st Startup Forum was held with the theme of "Digital Innovation in Education in response to the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Digital Transformation" to welcome the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Digital Transformation. It was conducted with the contents of how to respond in the future in the field of entrepreneurship. At the 2nd forum on October 28 (Fri), under the theme of "Talking about the social contribution of universities in the ESG management era," participants had a time to look forward to the paradigm change of ESG management and the 4th industrial revolution and the future. 

This forum was conducted both online and offline to improve participation. A total of 200 people participated.

Park Cheol-hwan, head of Kwangwoon University's Industry-University Cooperation Center and Seoul Startup Didimteo Center, said, “Seoul Startup Didimteo is leading the revitalization of startups in the northeastern part of Seoul. We will do our best to create a healthy startup ecosystem based on abundant youth resources in Nowon-gu, where six major universities in Seoul, including Kwangwoon University, are located.”