
2022 JoongAng Daily University Rankings: KWU Ranked Higher

  • admin
  • 2022-11-16
  • 2483

2022 JoongAng Daily University Rankings

KWU Ranked Higher than the Previous Year

- Ranked 28th overall, up 4 places from the previous year 

- 3rd place in citations per paper in international journals, 7th place in student start-up support and performance - 


Kwangwoon University was ranked 28th in the JoongAng Daily university evaluation system, which marks its 29th anniversary this year. The JoongAng Daily university evaluation is evaluated by 33 indicators in 4 categories: professor research, educational conditions, student education, and reputation for major universities in Korea.

2022중앙일보 대학평가


Kwangwoon University ranked 28th in the overall evaluation, up 4 places from the previous year. In particular, it ranked 3rd in citations per paper in international academic journals and 7th in student start-up support and performance.


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