
2022 Global Challenger

  • admin
  • 2022-11-11
  • 2251

2022 Global Challenger 


The office of International Affairs organizes the 2022 Global Challenger for students to plan their overseas trips, improve their learning abilities and leadership qualities, and develop a global mind. We hope you will show your interest and consider participating in the 2022 Kwangwoon Global Challenger.


1.   Overview

a. Areas: information and communication/engineering, economics/management, natural sciences, humanities/society, sports/arts/culture, etc.

b. Companies: Domestic and foreign companies, companies’ overseas business sites (research centers, universities, factories, sales networks, etc.)

c. Countries in Asia, Europe, and America (excluding travel restrictions/prohibited areas announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

d. Period: any time during winter vacation (2022.12.20 (Tue)-2023.1.20 (Fri))

  *Tasks must be done between December 20 and 27 with one instructor (professor) designated by Bunkyo University

* Participants must return to Korea by January 20th


2.   Eligibility: Undergraduate students (Only undergraduate students enrolled in the 2022 Fall Semester: students on leave of absence, graduate students cannot participate)

  Those who already participated in Kwangwoon Global Challenger before.




11/4 (Fri) - 11/16 (Wed)

Participation Application


11/17 (Thu) - 11/21 (Mon)

Documents check-up and Results announcement


11/28 (Mon) - 11/30 (Wed)

Presentation review


12/1 (Thu)

Final Results


12/12 (Sat) - 1/10 (Sun)

Opening ceremony and orientation


12/20 (Tue) - 1/20 (Fri)



1/26 (Thu)

Tour Results and Best team announcement


The above schedule may be changed depending on various circumstances

The selected teams must participate in the opening ceremony and the tour results presentation.


3.   Number of participating teams: up to 7

        a. Number of to-be-selected teams by region


Appointed task

Free task


Japan (12/20 12/27)


Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Oceania






  The number of teams limits per region may be changed

 Teams with less than 3 members are not allowed to participate

 ‘Appointed task’ team must have up to 4 team members and 1 advisor (provided by the school).

 Additional points will be given to teams with international students members

b. Exploration topics (Appointed tasks, Free tasks) 

- Free task: Create and complete tasks that can present your team’s foresight. Your exploration tasks must be specific and to complete them you must do the research and explorations systematically.
- Appointed task: Kwangwoon-Bunkyo Gakuin University student exchange vitalization: visit Japanese Bunkyo Gakuen University from 12/20 to 12/27 and create a tour plan.


4.   How the teams will be selected




1st document screening

Exploration plan review and qualifications

The number of teams limits per region may be changed



2nd presentation review

Teams that passed the 1st stage


5.   Activity Grant




Per student

Asia ( Russia): krw 500.000

Europe, Americas: krw 1.200.000

Africa, Oceania, Europe, Americas

Per team

Asia ( Russia): krw 2.000.000

Europe, Americas: krw 4.800.000


a. This year's project is a project that is funded by the university innovation project budget, and the entire amount of the activity subsidy must be spent with the OIF corporate card.
(Before departure, you must come to OIF and pay for air tickets, hotels, travel insurance, etc. with a corporate card. Local expenditures will not be covered.)

b. Office visit reservation must be completed between 12/5-12/16 after consulting with the person in charge of corporate card spending.

c. Kwangwoon is not responsible for any fees incurred due to personal reasons or mistakes related to the reservation. Therefore, in case of fees incurred due to personal reasons or mistakes, they must be transferred to the corporate card account.


6.   Application submission: visit the OIF office

a. OIF offline application: participation application form and tour plan                                                                     
- Period: November 4 (Fri) 09:00 - November 16 (Wed) 16:00
- Venue: Office of International Affairs (Donghae Culture Hall, Room #111)


7.   Exploration Result Report: Submit both A and B, by 1/24 (Tuesday)

        a. 1 video (about 5 minutes long)

 b. 1 PPT with more than 10 pages

Video production class will be held  


8.   Additional Information

   a. Team members cannot be changed after the application has been submitted. Selection will be canceled if there are fewer than 3 team members due to a team member giving up midway.

  b. In the event of an unexpected disaster or dangerous situation in domestic or overseas countries, the team's departure may be canceled for safety reasons. 

  c. You must have the ability to communicate within the team in the language of the country you wish to visit. 

  d. Submitted documents will not be returned. 

  e. The above schedule and activity subsidy are subject to change depending on internal and external circumstances. 

  f. After the end of the tour, the visit report (video and report) must be submitted by January 24. The submitted report will be used later by the university. 

  g. If the visit report is not submitted after the visit is completed or if the planned visit schedule is not followed, the support expenses will be required to be returned after the review. 

  h. The team must attend the opening ceremony and presentation.  

For other inquiries, please contact OIF: Kim Yerim/Kelly (940-5014,5).