
PBRC Professors Ranked Among the World's Top 2% Researchers

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  • 2022-11-09
  • 2566

Plasma Bioscience Research Center Professors

Ranked Among the World's Top 2% Researchers by Stanford University and Elsevier



플라즈마바이오과학연구소 교수진, 스탠포드 대학과 엘스비어(Elsevier)가 선정한 세계 상위 2% 연구자에 선정

Five professors (Eunha Choi, Nagendra, Min Jang, Hwanseop Um, and Kyungsoon Park) from the Plasma Bioscience Research Center (PBRC), a university-focused research center at Kwangwoon University, were selected as one of the top 2% scientists in the world by the US Stanford University and Elsevier, the world's largest publishing house.



플라즈마바이오과학연구소 교수진
(Left to right) Prof. Eunha Choi, Prof. Nagendra, Prof. Min Jang, Prof. Hwanseop Um, Prof. Kyungsoon Park 


The selected professors are Professor Eunha Choi of the Department of Electronic Biophysics from PBRC, Professor Nagendra of the Department of Electronic Biophysics, Kyungsoon Park of the Department of Electronic Biophysics, Hwanseop Um of PBRC Advisory Chair, and Professor Min Jang of the Department of Environmental Engineering.


The selection criteria were based on a total of six index values by 2021, and evaluation was conducted targeting researchers who published at least five papers in each academic field. The results were posted on October 10, 2022.


Reference: Mendeley Data, V4 doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.4 Elsevier BV - September 2022 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” (