
Gyeonggi-do Outstanding Youth Space Signboard Award Ceremony

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  • 2022-09-20
  • 2421

Guri City Youth Startup Support Center

Gyeonggi-do Outstanding Youth Space Signboard Award Ceremony


Guri City Youth Startup Support Center, which was selected as “Excellent Youth Space” in Gyeonggi Province last July, held a signboard award ceremony on September 14 (Wednesday).


Gyeonggi Province's "Excellent Youth Space" was judged on 4 criteria, including space activation and ease of use. A total of 7 out of 21 institutions were selected after on-site evaluation, presentation, and survey results.


The ceremony was attended by Eun-young Han (head of Gyeonggi-do Youth Jobs Team), Dong-ho Kang (director of Guri City's Economic and Finance Bureau), Eun-ok Kang (director of Guri City Jobs and Economy Division), Seong-tae Kim, Eun-cheol Jung and Han-seul Kim (members of the Guri City Council), and Su-ung Jang (director of Guri Youth Startup Support Center).


In particular, the signboard award ceremony was attended by Kim Seong-tae, Jung Eun-cheol, and Kim Han-seul, members of the Guri City Council, who are interested in youth policy. They congratulated the Guri City Youth Startup Support Center as an “excellent youth space”, and presented various ideas on the main functions and development plans of the youth center.


Guri City Youth Startup Support Center” has newly expanded the space on the 3rd floor of the center from August of this year. The 3rd floor is being operated as an office for the resident company, a prototype production room (maker space), and an education room (newly installed). The 4th floor is operated as a coworking space (networking and learning space), a video studio (newly installed), and an education room (meeting room). The 5th floor is used as an office and meeting room. 

Director Jang Su-woong of the Guri City Youth Startup Support Center said, “This year, many good things happened to the Guri City Youth Startup Support Center such as expansion of new infrastructure and designation of “Excellent Youth Space” in Gyeonggi-do. We take it as an opportunity to take a step forward and will continue to work hard to become the best platform for youth.”


Park Cheol-hwan, head of Kwangwoon University’s Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, said, “I am very pleased that the Guri City Youth Startup Support Center has become a successful model for coexistence between the university and the local community. Kwangwoon University will do everything to continue supporting it.”


Anyone under the age of 39 living in Guri can receive free start-up support services for each growth stage through the Guri Youth Startup Support Center ( 031-557-9980). 



From left to right: Kang Eun-ok (Head of Guri City Jobs and Economy Division), Kang Dong-ho (Director of Guri City's Economic and Finance Bureau), Han Eun-young (Gyeonggi Youth Jobs Team Leader), Jang Su-woong, Kim Seong-tae (Guri City Councilor), Kim Han-seul (Guri City Councilor), Jung Eun-cheol (Guri City Councilor)