
Ultrasensitive Capacitive Tactile Sensor for Tiny Signals Perception

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  • 2022-09-06
  • 3171

Research Team Led by Professor Nam-Young Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University) Succeeded in Developing Ultrasensitive Capacitive Tactile Sensor for Tiny Signals Perception

- JCR 1% Q1, IF: 16.774 Published in Chemical Engineering Journal

- Succeeded in developing a succeeded in developing Ultrasensitive capacitive tactile sensor for tiny signals perception



<(left) Ph.D. Researcher Hongsen Niu, (right) Prof. Nam-Young Kim>


Kwangwoon University, Department of Electronic Engineering’s research team led by Professor Namyoung Kim and Ph.D. student Hongsen Niu (first author) succeeded in developing an ultrasensitive capacitive tactile sensor for detecting nano-weak signals.



[1. Schematic illustration for the tiny signal perception based on the HSP-MP&HM structured tactile sensor. (a) Schematic for the 3D structure of the tactile sensor. (b) SEM image of the P(VDF-TrFE)-TiO2 dielectric layer with the HSP-MP structure. (c) SEM image of the Ag-PDMS electrode layer with the HM structure. (d) Schematic of the MSPS method. (e) Applications diagram of the HSP-MP&HM structured tactile sensor including fingertip pulse perception, muscle motion perception, and flexible perception array.]


This research was supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) Key Research Center support project supported by the Ministry of Education and the Basic Science Research Program through the Ministry of Environment (MOE) Graduate School of Korea. The research results were published under the title of “Ultrasensitive capacitive tactile sensor with heterostructured active layers for tiny signal perception” in Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=16.774), an internationally renowned journal published by Elsevier.

