
Department of Electrical Engineering and BK21Four Business Team Achieved an Excellent Rating

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  • 2022-08-19
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Department of Electrical Engineering and BK21Four Business Team

Achieved an Excellent Rating and Excellent Research Results in the Annual Performance Appraisal

- "Semiconductor device/next-generation communication convergence manpower training team" nurturing master’s/doctoral level core manpower and achieving excellence beyond their goals

- Nurturing an average of 34 master's/Ph.D. level core manpower, 20 or more publications with an impact factor of 10 or more, and a total of 40 or more JCR Q1 articles





Selected in 2020 the BK21Four project and the "Semiconductor device/next-generation communication convergence education research team" (team leader Lee Jihoon) of the Electronic Engineering Department of Kwangwoon University fostered core manpower at the 3rd stage of the 1/2-year project. They achieved excellent results by exceeding their stage-goal.


* Over 60 world-renowned academic journals (SCI level)

* Selected for a number of covers of world famous academic journals (SCI level)

* More than 25 domestic patent applications

* On average, 34 core staff members of the Master/PhD program are trained

* Training 4 new professors

* About 10 graduates go to college to continue their education or 100% get a job

* 100% lectures in English by all professors participating in the educational team

* Lots of new graduate courses

* 3 new memorandums of cooperation in the field of international cooperation

* International collaborative research SCI level 2

* International online seminar with invited foreign scientists

* Holding an online international scientific conference on cooperation between Korea and China

* Many editors of international SCI level journals

* Secretary of the International Standards Committee

* A total of 25 news stories in the media and mentions over 150 times 



(Semiconductor device/next-generation communication convergence BK21 Education Research Team)



The ‘semiconductor device/next-generation communication convergence education research team’ nurtures creative talents for the activation of nano-microstructure-based semiconductor optical devices and electronic devices and next-generation 6G applied innovative technology and secures research capabilities at the international level. It carries out the mission of securing future growth engines through the advancement of nano-microstructure-based semiconductor devices and next-generation communication convergence industry. It is conducting research to become a quality education team by producing more than 70 masters and doctoral students by 2027, 100% employment, publishing excellent SCI thesis, conducting overseas long-term training, and conducting joint research. 



(Semiconductor device/next-generation communication convergence BK21 Education Research Team)


The ‘Semiconductor Device/Next Generation Communication Convergence BK21 Education Research Team’, selected in 2020, will receive research funding until 2027. Approximately 70 graduate school master's/doctoral students are expected to be nurtured in the semiconductor device/next-generation communication convergence field.

* Website: