
Prof. Oh Jongmin's Research Team Won the KIEEME Academic Awards

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  • 2022-08-19
  • 2441

Prof. Oh Jongmin's Research Team (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) Won the KIEEME Academic Award, Thesis Award, and Material Photography Contest


- KIEEME “Park Chang-Yeop Academic Award”, “Best Paper Award and Encouragement Award in Undergraduate Student Contest”, “Material Photography Contest” -




Kwangwoon University Professor Oh Jongmin's research team (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) attended the 2022 KIEEME Summer Conference held on June 22 (Wednesday). They won the “Park Chang-Yeop Academic Award”, “The Best Paper Award and Encouragement Award” in the Undergraduate Student Contest, and “Material Photography Contest”.


The Korean Society for Electrical and Electronic Materials, with about 5,700 members, was established in October 1987. This year it celebrates its 35th anniversary since its founding. The Korean Society for Electrical and Electronic Materials contributes to the academic and technological development of materials and parts, which are the backbone of the high-tech electronics industry. It is also a representative society in the field of electrical and electronic materials for various industry-university-research convergence exchanges up to the new future business field.


Professor Oh Jongmin of the Department of Electronic Materials Engineering was highly praised for publishing excellent papers at the Korean Society of Electrical and Electronic Materials for the past three years. At the Academy Awards ceremony, he received the “Park Chang-Yeop Academic Award,” which is given to young scientists under the age of 50. Currently, Professor Oh Jongmin is a member of the Korean Journal of Electrical and Electronic Materials Society and a member of the journal editorial board since 2017. Professor Jong-Min Oh has so far published 74 SCI(E) papers including internationally renowned journals, 15 domestic papers, and 137 domestic and international academic presentations, he also has 16 patent registrations, etc. He is actively conducting research activities in various fields such as ceramic composite-based passive devices, sensor, and display process application technology.


In addition, a master's student Hyun Daeun and an undergraduate student Park Taewoong (presenter) from Professor Oh’s research team, student Lee Junwoo, and the KWIX program undergraduate students of Kwangwoon University's College of Electronic and Information Engineering (presenter: Lim Jinhyeong) won respectively the KIEEME Material Photo Contest (Intense Korean Artist Award), the Grand Prize and Encouragement Award at the undergraduate student contest. They received awards and prizes.



(Left) Student Park Taewoong, Student Lee Junwoo / (Photo on the right) Student Lim Jinhyeong



(Left) Hyun Daeun student / (Right) The award-winning work “냄새 맡는 강아지


The material photography contest was held for the 6th time this year. Every year, photos related to materials with academic and aesthetic value in the field of electrical, electronics, or materials are exhibited and awarded at the summer academic conference. They are also published in academic journals. Hyun Daeun, who won the award this time, also received an award in last year's material photography contest. Park Taewoong, who received the grand prize in the undergraduate student contest, will submit to the KIEEME journal this year as the first author.


Professor Oh Jongmin said, “Each year since 2017, undergraduate students participate in the KIEEME Summer Conference. I am always proud to see students growth while preparing for academic activities. I hope that these activities will be of great practical help to the students going to college and finding employment. In the future, I want to keep doing various interesting research with students”.