
Professor Sangshin Lee's Lab Won 1st Place at the International Conference

  • admin
  • 2022-07-27
  • 2533

(Department of Electronic Engineering) won the Best Paper Award in the poster presentation section at the international conference “Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2022”


- Prof. Sangshin Lee's research team won the first prize for the best paper in the CLEO 2022 poster contest at the international academic conference -

Professor Sangshin Lee's lab

 "Highly Efficient Edge and Grating Coupler Hybrid for Full" presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2022 held in San Jose, USA (simultaneous online) in May 2022 by Bisal student (Integrated Master's and Doctorate course in the laboratory of Professor Sang-Shin Lee of the Department of Electronic Engineering) -scale Wafer-level and Chip-level Testing (Author: Bisal, Lee Sang-shin)” won the first place in the poster contest.




With a distinguished history, CLEO is one of the leading international academic conferences in the field of optics and lasers, with more than 4000 attendees annually, and is the highest-ranking conference in the field of optics and photonics in the Google Scholar rankings in 2022. Basil's student's thesis was selected as 1st place among the 3 best theses selected in the poster contest hosted by the Division of Laser Science of Americal Physical Society at this year's CLEO.




In optical integrated circuits, methods such as gratings and edge couplers have been mainly used for optical coupling between optical fibers and waveguides. The grating coupler is easy for wafer-level testing of optical integrated circuit chips but has problems such as high insertion loss and narrow wavelength bandwidth. On the other hand, the single-sided coupler has advantages in terms of optical loss and wavelength bandwidth, but after cutting the optical integrated circuit into a chip shape, a post-process such as single-sided polishing is essential. In this paper, by introducing a phase-change material-based hybrid optical coupler, it is possible to simultaneously combine lattice and cross-section in a single chip, proving that the problems of the existing method can be fundamentally overcome, and its excellence was recognized at this conference. The proposed technology is expected to be widely used to verify the yield after verifying the performance of the optical integrated circuit device through the semiconductor process in the future.




Currently, Professor Sang-Shin Lee is the head of the 'Nano Device Application Lab'. Since he took office in 2002, he has been actively researching various topics such as optical communication devices, nano-optical devices, and optical sensors, and has published about 160 papers. was published in a leading overseas SCI journal. He is also conducting research on core technologies related to the 4th industrial revolution, such as silicon photonics-based LiDAR sensor modules for autonomous driving and wireless optical communication devices, with support from the Korea Research Foundation and others.




Meanwhile, this research was carried out through the support project for university-focused research institutes in science and engineering supported by the Ministry of Education and the mid-level researcher support project supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT.