
Semiconductor and Nano-Devices Laboratory Won Several Awards

  • admin
  • 2022-07-22
  • 2604

Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Semiconductor and Nano-Devices Laboratory

Won at the Science and Technology Best Paper Award at the Korea Science and Technology Annual Conference and at the KIEEME Annual Summer Conference


Kwangwoon University Professor Koo Sangmo's research team from the Department of Electronic Materials Engineering won thesis awards in the undergraduate, graduate, and professor categories. 


 The KIEEME Annual Summer Conference was held for 3 days starting on June 22nd. Kwangwoon University Kim Minyoung (master's program) and Lee Kunhee (doctoral student) each received the Grand Prize. Undergraduate research students Park Serim, Kim Heechul, and Lee Taehee (Senior students) each received the Excellence Award and Encouragement Award.




Also on June 29, the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies held the "2022 Korea Science and Technology Annual Conference". Professor Koo Sangmo (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, head of the next-generation power semiconductor manufacturing manpower training project group, and research director of the compound material-based next-generation power semiconductor technology development project) was awarded the "32nd Science and Technology Best Paper Award".


The awarded thesis was written by a team of senior undergraduate students and graduate students through the KWIX undergraduate research program at Kwangwoon University. It was awarded in recognition of the creativity and excellence of their research on the next-generation high-energy gap semiconductor technology, including the research results. The “Science and Technology Best Paper Award” is given to only one final paper from each scientific and technological society among papers published in domestic journals throughout the year. This is the prestigious academic award in the domestic science and technology community, which determines the winner after a final screening by the Korea Federation of Science and Technology Society.


Lee Kunhee (Ph.D.), who won the grand prize in this contest, said, “I am proud that Kwangwoon University’s undergraduate and graduate research students could win several awards. Our laboratory has been researching the next-generation high-energy gap semiconductors applied to semiconductors for e-mobility vehicles for a long time. I feel like our scientific achievements have received well-deserved recognition. I would also like to express our gratitude to the professors and staff who contributed to this research. We will continue to strive to do award-winning research in the future.”


The Semiconductor and Nano-Devices Laboratory ( of the Department of Electronic Material Engineering is researching the next-generation high-energy gap semiconductor and power semiconductors under the supervision of Professor Koo Sangmo.