
Kwangoon University Teams Won the Digital Contents Society University Student Paper Contest

  • admin
  • 2022-07-21
  • 2517


School of Information Convergence and School of Media and Communication Student Teams Won the Digital Contents Society University Student Paper Contest





Students from the School of Media and Communication and School of Information Convergence at Kwangwoon University achieved excellent results at the "Korea Digital Content Society Summer Conference and University Student Paper Contest". It was hosted by the Korea Digital Contents Association and sponsored by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies. Our university team won one gold prize and two bronze prizes.


The Gold Prize was awarded to Lee Younghyun and Shin Subin from the School of Media and Communication, and Kim Chaehyun, Lee Kyumin, and Chae Suji from the School of Information and Convergence. Their project theme was "Design and Implementation of Mobile Application for Assisting Rehabilitation Exercises in Parkinson's Disease", the supervising Professor Park Kyudong from the School of Information Convergence. The project was based on the Chambit Design Semester, in which students design their learning activities. The team completed Chambit Design Semester assignments and it led to prize-winning results.


The bronze prize was awarded to students Shin Soobin, Kim Myungji, Lee Younghyun, and Choi Yunha of the School of Media and Communication. Their project theme was "Proposal of a Theme Sharing Platform Service Based on Autonomous Driving Vehicles", under the supervision of Professor Hwang Dongwook of the School of Media and Communication. The prize was awarded for expanding the research results of the Space a Core Research Center (XR Core Research Center), which was carried out as part of the school-specific R&D discovery and development project.


In addition, students Joo-Hyun Kim, Jong-Min Kim, and So-Jeong Kwak from the School of Information Convergence and Young-Hyun Lee from the School of Media Communication also received the bronze prize. Their project was under the supervision of Professor Park Gyudong, and its theme was "E-commerce customer behavior analysis using process mining". They were awarded for the process and results of analyzing actual company data through the Industry-University Cooperation Project.


The contest was held from June 30 to July 2 under the theme of "Metaverse, NFT, and Digital Content: A New Combination", and more than 200 academic results were presented in 33 sessions.

Professor Hwang Dongwook and Park Gyudong said, " The experience and skills acquired through the excellent work of our university are highly valued in the outside world as well! We hope that this award will serve as an opportunity to widely disseminate the results of independent work of students.”