
Selected as “University ICT Research Center Support Project (Professor Shim Donggyu)”

  • admin
  • 2022-07-07
  • 2605


Selected as “University ICT Research Center Support Project (Professor Shim Donggyu)”

Supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT, and IITP



Professor Shim Donggyu at Kwangwoon University was selected for the “University ICT Research Center Support Project (Research Director Professor Shim Donggyu)” supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT, and IITP. The "University ICT Research Center Support Project" is a project to train key scientific personnel at the master's and doctoral levels who will lead the national innovation growth by supporting cutting-edge research projects in advanced ICT technologies. At the same time, the university will receive 8.85 billion won to support research and development for up to eight years.


For this project, Kwangwoon University is collaborating with joint research institutes Argo Co., Ltd., Furiosa AI Co., Ltd., Pingram Co., Ltd., a partner company Nextchip, and participating universities, Gachon University, Kyungpook National University, Inha University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hongik University, and Korea University. After this consortium was formed, the Human Brain Neurocomputing Platform Center (Director Shim Donggyu) was opened. It has 14 professors, 47 student researchers, and 10 corporate researchers who model the process of convergence, cognition, and processing of the brain-sensory-motor nervous system. Human Brain Neurocomputing Platform Center plans to conduct business to develop low-power neurochips and neurocomputing platforms.