
Professor Shim Donggyu's Research Team was Selected for the “ICT Innovation Talent 4.0 Project”

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  • 2022-07-04
  • 2861

Selected as “ICT Innovation Talent 4.0 Project (Professor Shim Donggyu)” supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Institute for Information & Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation



Professor Donggyu Shim's research team at Kwangwoon University was selected for the “ICT Innovation Talent 4.0 Project”. This project is supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Institute for Information & communication Technology Planning & evaluation (IITP). The university will receive 2.25 billion won as research and development support for up to five years.


The ICT Innovation Talent 4.0 project fosters master's and doctoral level talents in promising ICT technologies such as next-generation communication, AI, and ICT convergence. To enhance ICT industrial technology competitiveness and lead national innovative growth and job creation in the future, companies, and universities jointly design and operate PBL (Problem-based Learning)-based research curriculum and conduct R&D. It is a project aimed at developing ICT master's and doctoral convergence research talents with practical problem-solving capabilities. 


Professor Shim Donggyu of Kwangwoon University, who is the research director of this project, said, “Through this project, we are developing an extended reality-based solution for remote medical services that reflects the technology required in that field through cooperation with companies and hospitals. We will nurture highly competent human resources who can become leading research personnel in the various fields”. He expressed his ambition adding, “We will do our best to help Korea close the technological gap with advanced countries by securing source technology and nurturing world-class talent in the remote medical field, which is still in its infancy.”